Dr Francesco D'Aiuto
Email: f.daiuto@ucl.ac.uk
Oral and Dental Health Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: f.daiuto@ucl.ac.uk
Oral and Dental Health Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: jeremy.dale@warwick.ac.uk
Primary Care Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: dermot.dalton@nhs.net
Children and Young People Specialty Lead, South West Peninsula
Email: mary-anne.darby@nihr.ac.uk
Health Services Research Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: paul.m.dark@manchester.ac.uk
Critical Care Specialty National Lead/Greater Manchester (Chair)
Email: bhaskar.dasgupta@southend.nhs.uk
Musculoskeletal Disorders Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: Indranil.dasgupta@heartofengland.nhs.uk
Kidney Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: miriam.davey@nhs.net
Anaesthesia Specialty Lead, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Email: b.davidson@ucl.ac.uk
Surgery Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: ceri.davies@bartshealth.nhs.uk
Cardiovascular Disease Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: a.davies@bsms.ac.uk
Musculoskeletal Specialty Lead, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Email: melanie.davies@uhl-tr.nhs.uk
Diabetes Specialty Lead, East Midlands
Email: daniel.davis@ucl.ac.uk
Ageing LCRN Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: bhupinder.dawett@btinternet.com
Oral and Dental Health Specialty Lead, East Midlands
Email: p.f.day@leeds.ac.uk
Oral and Dental Health Specialty Lead, Yorkshire and Humber
Email: Anthony.de-soyza@newcastle.ac.uk
Respiratory Disorders National Specialty Lead, North East and North Cumbria
Email: Nimantha.De-Alwis@chsft.nhs.uk
Diabetes Specialty Lead, North East and North Cumbria
Email: pauldeffley@nhs.net
Primary Care Specialty Lead, Kent Surrey Sussex
Email: Claudia.Degiovanni@bsuh.nhs.uk
Dermatology Specialty Lead, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Email: tom.dening@nottingham.ac.uk
Dementias LCRN Specialty Lead, East Midlands
Email: emd@mrc.soton.ac.uk
Musculoskeletal Specialty Lead, Wessex
Email: s.derham@nhs.net
Musculoskeletal Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: crndermatology@nihr.ac.uk
Contact details for Dermatology - General Specialty Enquiries
Email: jagtar.dhanda@nhs.net
Oral and Dental Health Specialty Lead, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Email: jugdeep.dhesi@gstt.nhs.uk
Ageing LCRN Specialty Co-Lead, South London
Email: w.dhillo@imperial.ac.uk
Professor Waljit Dhillo represents the NIHR Research Professors on the NIHR Strategy Board
Email: MD460@MRC-CU.cam.ac.uk
Gastroenterology Specialty Lead, Eastern
Email: crndiabetes@nihr.ac.uk
Contact details for Diabetes - general specialty enquiries
Email: p.dicks@abdn.ac.uk
Children and Young People Specialty Lead - Scotland
Email: t.dietrich@bham.ac.uk
Oral and Dental Health Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: mathew.diggle@nuh.nhs.uk
Infection Specialty Lead, East Midlands
Email: j.f.dillon@dundee.ac.uk
Liver Specialty Lead, Scotland
Email: christiana.dinah@nhs.net
Ophthalmology Specialty Lead, North West London
Email: anand.dixit@nuth.nhs.uk
Stroke Specialty Lead, North East & North Cumbria
Email: suzanne.docherty@nnuh.nhs.uk
Haematology Specialty Lead, Eastern
Email: dolwaniS@cardiff.ac.uk
Gastroenterology Specialty Lead, Wales
Email: alan.donaldson@UHBristol.nhs.uk
Genomics and Rare Diseases LCRN Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: tdoulton@nhs.net
Kidney Specialty Lead, Kent, Surrey & Sussex
Email: susan.downes@ouh.nhs.uk
Ophthalmology Specialty Lead, Thames Valley and South Midlands
Email: louise.downey@hey.nhs.uk
Ophthalmology Specialty Lead, Yorkshire and Humber
Email: richard.drake@manchester.ac.uk
Mental Health Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: owen.driskell@nihr.ac.uk
Health Services Research Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: Sarah.Duff@uhsm.nhs.uk
Surgery Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: ross.dunne@gmmh.nhs.uk
Dementias LCRN Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: tina.dutt@rlbuht.nhs.uk
Haematology Specialty Lead, North West Coast