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Managing my award

Who this page is for

If you personally hold award funding from NIHR Academy, for example from a fellowship, the following information will be useful and relevant to you. However, for accurate advice you are encouraged to contact us on

How should I communicate my research activities?

NIHR funding should be acknowledged in all research outputs. You are encouraged to use the ‘Funded by NIHR’ logo as appropriate, and may wish to use an NIHR poster template.

You should notify the communications team of any upcoming press or media activity a minimum of three working days before any outreach. To contact the communications team, email

Can I change my research and training plans?

Awards and associated funds are granted in order to undertake the research and training as presented within the grant application. Changes to funded research and training plans can be made, but only with approval from the NIHR. Requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Can I make changes to my approved financial budget?

The total value of an award is essentially fixed at the point of contracting. Salary allowances and non-salary allowances cannot be interchanged, but reallocations of funds within budget headings can be made with prior approval from the NIHR. Requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Can I change my host organisation?

A change of host is permitted in exceptional circumstances. A change of contracted host requires a novation to be undertaken, with the new host accepting the terms of the existing contract in full. A host organisation is required to employ the awardee for the hours and duration of the award, or whatever is left of it.

How will illness or family related leave affect my award?

If you are impacted by illness or family related leave you should contact the NIHR to discuss the matter at the earliest opportunity. The NIHR can 'stop the clock' on awards in order to prevent time being lost during reduced working or extended leave.

Can I add open access charges to my award costs?

The NIHR now automatically includes the provision of funds to support open access publication when contracting an award. You can request additional funds to support further open access publication once your initial allowance has been used.

What reports am I required to submit?

Different types of award have different reporting requirements, but you are generally required to submit a written progress report at least once per year. In addition, host organisations are required to submit award specific financial reports.

How do I report impact?

You are generally expected to submit data on the impact of your work on an annual basis and for a number of years following the end of your award, using Researchfish. 

How do I manage intellectual property?

It is important that intellectual property is managed effectively.