Dr Bijay Baburajan
Email: b.baburajan@nhs.net
Gastroenterology Specialty Lead, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Email: b.baburajan@nhs.net
Gastroenterology Specialty Lead, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Email: m.bachmann@uea.ac.uk
Health Services Research Specialty Lead, Eastern
Email: clare.bailey@bristol.ac.uk
Ophthalmology Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: mrnbailiefrcs@googlemail.com
Ear, Nose and Throat Specialty Lead, Northern Ireland
Email: Richard.Bala@rbch.nhs.uk
Cardiovascular Disease Specialty Lead, Wessex
Email: gabrielle.bambridge@nhs.net
Reproductive Health Specialty Lead, South London
Email: s.bampoe@gmail.com
Anaesthesia Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: o.bandmann@sheffield.ac.uk
Neurodegeneration LCRN Specialty Lead, Yorkshire & Humber
Email: anirvan.banerjee@stees.nhs.uk
Ear, Nose and Throat Specialty Lead, North East and North Cumbria
Email: avijit.banerjee@kcl.ac.uk
Oral and Dental Health Specialty Lead, South London
Email: prithwish.banerjee@uhcw.nhs.uk
Cardiovascular Disease Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: d.baralle@soton.ac.uk
Genomics and Rare Diseases LCRN Specialty Lead, Wessex
Email: Robert.Barber@ntw.nhs.uk
Dementia Industry Specialty Group Lead, Industry Lead
Email: ellie.barnes@ndm.ox.ac.uk
Liver Specialty Lead, Thames Valley and South Midlands
Email: theresa.barnes@nhs.net
Musculoskeletal Specialty Lead, North West Coast
Email: hugh.barr@glos.nhs.uk
Cancer Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: jonathan.barratt@uhl-tr.nhs.uk
Kidney Specialty Lead, East Midlands
Email: Jonathan.Batchelor@nottingham.ac.uk
Dermatology Specialty Lead, East Midlands
Email: a.r.bateman@soton.ac.uk
Cancer Specialty Lead, Wessex
Email: kb274@medschl.cam.ac.uk
Children and Young People Specialty Lead, Eastern
Email: nick.beare@liverpoolft.nhs.uk
Ophthalmology Specialty Lead, North West Coast
Email: nigel.beckett@gstt.nhs.uk
Ageing LCRN Specialty Co-Lead, South London
Email: p.beirne@nhs.net
Respiratory Disorders Specialty Lead, Yorkshire and Humber
Email: y.ben-shlomo@bristol.ac.uk
Health Services Research Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: m.w.beresford@liv.ac.uk
Reproductive Health, Ophthalmology, Children and Young People, Haematology - Specialty Cluster Lead
Email: Anthony.bewley@bartsandthelondon.nhs.uk
Dermatology Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: ajay.bhalla@gstt.nhs.uk
Stroke Specialty Lead, South London
Email: Sunil.Bhandari@hey.nhs.uk
Kidney Specialty Lead, Yorkshire & Humber
Email: coralie.bingham@nhs.net
Kidney Specialty Lead, South West Peninsula
Email: tina.Biss@nuth.nhs.uk
Haematology Specialty Lead, North East and North Cumbria
Email: d.blackburn@sheffield.ac.uk
Dementias LCRN Joint Specialty Lead, Yorkshire & Humber
Email: richard.body@manchester.ac.uk
Injuries and Emergencies Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: stephen.bonner@stees.nhs.uk
Critical Care Specialty Lead, North East and North Cumbria
Email: jordan.bowen@ouh.nhs.uk
Ageing LCRN Specialty Lead, Thames Valley and South Midlands
Email: peter.bower@manchester.ac.uk
Health Services Research Specialty National Lead/Greater Manchester (Chair)
Email: adrian.boyle@addenbrookes.nhs.uk
Injuries and Emergencies Specialty Lead, Eastern
Email: eb124@le.ac.uk
Children and Young People Specialty Lead, East Midlands
Email: carole.brewer1@nhs.net
Genomics and Rare Diseases LCRN Specialty Lead, South West Peninsula
Email: murray.brunt@uhns.nhs.uk
Cancer Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: sarah.buckingham@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk
Oral and Dental Health Specialty Lead, Thames Valley and South Midlands
Email: marwan.bukhari@mbht.nhs.uk
Musculoskeletal Disorders Specialty Lead, North West Coast
Email: dbulters@nhs.net
Neurological Disorders LCRN Joint Specialty Lead, Wessex
Email: nigel.bundred@manchester.ac.uk
Surgery Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: mdycb@bristol.ac.uk
Reproductive Health Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: drlhodgson@gmail.com
Respiratory Disorders Specialty Lead, Kent Surrey and Sussex
Email: tomasburke@nhs.net
Ophthalmology Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: sara.burnard@nhs.net
Reproductive Health Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: f.burns@ucl.ac.uk
Dr Fiona Burns
Email: joseph.butchart@nhs.net
Dementias LCRN Joint Specialty Lead, South West Peninsula (Devon)
Email: andrew.byrne@ntw.nhs.uk
Dementias LCRN Specialty Lead, North East & Cumbria
Email: jamespbyrne@aol.com
Surgery Specialty Lead, Wessex