Adding Value in Research raises the probability of impact of the NIHR portfolio of research for the tangible and intangible costs involved. It is a collaborative effort across the NIHR, the research landscape and the world. We use a framework to assess our research management process and identify where we can add further value.
Guiding principles
These principles are intended to guide NIHR and researchers:
- Relevance and expressed need
- High quality research that minimises bias
- Open and transparent research and research funding
For some principles, what we need to do is already clear; for others we have work to do.
The principles were developed in discussion with The Ensuring Value in Research Development and Collaboration Forum, a group of funders from around the world.
Setting justifiable research priorities
Principle 1: Health-related research agendas and priorities should be set with the meaningful involvement of those who will use and be affected by health-related research.
Principle 2: Research should only be funded if set in the context of one or more existing systematic reviews of what is already known or an otherwise robust demonstration of a research gap.
Ensuring Design, conduct and analysis are robust and appropriate
Principle 3: NIHR funding schemes should take into account advances in research methodology and fund new research only if adequate steps have been taken to reduce bias.
Principle 5: Studies should be registered in an appropriate, design-relevant publicly accessible registry at study inception whenever possible.
Regulation and management of research conduct proportionate to risks
Principle 4: Selection and conduct of research should be actively managed in a risk proportionate way, consistent with applicable human subjects research laws, regulations, and ethical guidance.
Complete information on methods and findings are accessible and usable
Principle 7: All studies should report methods and findings in full, following credible and justifiable reporting guidelines. This applies irrespective of the nature of the findings and whether the study completed as planned.
Principle 8: When appropriate and when it will add value to evidence users, replication, reanalysis, and reuse of data from studies should be supported and facilitated.
Findings are appropriately and effectively disseminated
Principle 9: New evidence should be placed in the context of existing knowledge to inform appropriate interpretation and use of findings. When appropriate and when it will add value to evidence users, systematic reviews should be updated following primary research.
Principle 10: Research knowledge that can lead to benefit should be effectively disseminated with and to end users. Where appropriate, the usage of new knowledge should be supported and facilitated.