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HSDR Funding Committee Public Minutes November 2021


Published: 11 January 2022

Version: 1.0 - January 2022

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Day One - Wednesday 24th November

Venue: Microsoft Team Meeting


Present Members

  • Judith Smith (Deputy Programme Director - Chair of Day One)
  • Kath Checkland (Deputy Chair)
  • Kham Bhui (Deputy Chair)
  • Sarah Alderson
  • Alison Allam (PPI)
  • Andrew Booth
  • Brendan Collins
  • Dawn Dowding 
  • Sandra Duggan (PPI)
  • Jane Hopkinson
  • Kerryn Husk
  • Sue Jordan
  • Silviya Nikolova
  • Alicia O’Cathain
  • Linda Parton
  • Mark Pearson
  • Catherine Pope
  • Victoria Tzortziou-Brown 
  • Louella Vaughan
  • Alan Watkins
  • Adele Webb (PPI)


  • Stephanie Garfield-Birkbeck
  • Suzannah Hopper
  • Lisa Stockwell
  • Abigail Chalk
  • Tara Lamont


  • Katja Behrendt
  • Gerald Mckenna
  • Jo Rycroft-Malone
  • Roshan das Nair
  • Charlotte Williams
  • Andrea Williamson


  • Fardawza Ahmed, What Works for Children’s Social Care (WWCSC)
  • Margaret Cheng, Public committee member
  • Alexandra Duncan, Department of Health & Social Care (observing from 3.30pm)
  • Sebastian Hinde, Trainee committee member
  • Sophie Hyndman, Deputy Director & Senior Research Advisor, NIHR Research Design Service South Central
  • Rashmi Kumar, Public committee member
  • Mike Molete, Public committee member
  • Kathy Rowan, New HSDR Programme Director
  • Alan Smith, Public committee member

Quoracy Information

  • Voting members: 24 (Quoracy = 16 = 66%)
  • Voting members present on Day 1: 20 (83%)


21/10 Researcher-Led (Stage One)

NIHR135217 –  Periprosthetic femoral fractures: data, management and outcomes (Alex Bottle, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: Sarah Alderson, Silviya Nikolova 

Decision: Shortlist


NIHR134540 –  Mapping underdoctored areas: the impact of medical training pathways on NHS workforce distribution and health inequalities (Liz Brewster, Lancaster University)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: None

Decision: Shortlist


NIHR134992 – Improving emergency care treatment planning in the acute hospital: development and pilot testing of a behaviour change intervention (Keith Couper, University of Warwick)

Chair: Katherine Checkland

Declared a conflict and left the room: Judith Smith

Decision: Decline


NIHR135311 – The Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Prison (DeCIsion) care pathway and training package: A realist informed feasibility study (Katrina Forsyth, The University of Manchester)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: Kath Checkland, Jane Hopkinson

Decision: Shortlist


NIHR134309 – Improving the assessment and management of cognitive problems in community patients with stroke. COMPASS2- Improving COgnitive Management PAthways in Stroke Services (Avril Drummond, University of Nottingham)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: Alicia O’Cathain, Alan Watkins

Decision: Decline


NIHR134679– The Prepare 2 Study: A mixed-method evaluation of benefits, routinisation, scale-up, spread and sustainability of technology-supported advance care planning for people living with life-limiting conditions and their families (Jonathan Koffman, King’s College London)

Chair: Kath Checkland

Declared a conflict and left the room: Sarah Alderson, Catherine Pope, Alison Allam, Judith Smith, Rashmi Kumar (Observer)

Decision: Shortlist


NIHR134306 –  Improving monitoring of the baby during uncomplicated labour: a study using experience-based co-design (Rachel Rowe) (University of Oxford)

Chair: Kath Checkland

Declared a conflict and left the room: Jane Hopkinson, Kerryn Husk, Alicia O’Cathain, Catherine Pope, Judith Smith, Adele Webb, Sophie Hyndman 

Decision: Shortlist


NIHR134608 – Family virtual visiting offered as a routine option in UK intensive care units: a multi-method implementation study (Louise Rose, King’s College London)

Chair: Kath Checkland

Declared a conflict and left the room: Judith Smith

Decision: Decline


NIHR135254 –  Addressing severe obesity within long COVID management for improved outcomes: a pragmatic RCT embedded into clinical care (Thomas Yates, University if Leicester)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: Alicia O’Cathain, Andrew Booth

Decision: Decline


NIHR135031 –  Improving the quality of care for men with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) who undergo regular screening: reducing the psychosocial consequences of screening and developing a patient-centred Exit Strategy from surveillance (Alicia O’Cathain, The University of Sheffield)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: Andrew Booth, Alicia O-Catain, Catherine Pope

Decision: Shortlist


NIHR135034 –  Developing interventions to reduce ‘missingness’ in health care (Andrea Williamson, The University Court of the University of Glasgow)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: Andrew Booth, Kerryn Husk, Mark Pearson, Catherine Pope, Andrea Williamson

Decision: Shortlist


NIHR135108 – Quality, safety and clinical governance in NHS and independent hospitals: lessons from the interface (Kieran Walshe, The University of Manchester)

Chair: Kam Bhui

Declared a conflict and left the room: Kath Checkland, Brendan Collins, Dawn Dowding, Alicia O’Cathain, Judith Smith, Alan Watkins, Seb Hinde (Observer) 

Decision: Shortlist


NIHR134866 – Improving uptake, experience and implementation of interpreting services in primary care: a mixed-methods study with South Asian communities. (Katrina Whitaker, University of Surrey)

Chair: Kam Bhui

Declared a conflict and left the room: Judith Smith

Decision: Shortlist 


NIHR135102 – Developing Realist Economic Evaluation Methods (REEM) and Guidance to Evaluate the Effectiveness, Costs, and Benefits of Complex Interventions. (Sonia Dalkin, University of Northumbria)

Chair: Kath Checkland

Declared a conflict and left the room: Sarah Alderson, Andrew Booth, Kerryn Husk, Silviya Nikolova, Mark Pearson, Catherine Pope, Judith Smith, Kathy Rowan 

Decision: Shortlist


NIHR134882 – Increasing availability and access to group therapies in community mental health teams (Pamela Jacobsen, University of Bath)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: None

Decision: Decline


NIHR134698 – DEVELOPMENT AND DEMONSTRATION OF A PRIMARY CARE IMPLEMENTATION LABORATORY (PILL) – embedding head-to-head trials within a large-scale, quality improvement programme in primary care (Sarah Alderson, University of Leeds)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: Sarah Alderson, Silviya Nikolova, Alicia O’Cathain

Decision: Decline


NIHR135123 - Practices and politics of frailty: A qualitative study to explore how frailty informs decisions about clinical care for patients with covid-19 (Dawn Goodwin, Lancaster University)

Chair: None

Declared a conflict and did not score: Alicia O’Cathain, Jo Rycroft-Malone

Decision: Decline


NIHR134920 - Improving Virtual Interprofessional Cross-boundary TeamwORk In End-of-life care (VICTORIE): a Realist Inquiry (Sarah Jane Mitchell, The University of Sheffield)

Chair: None

Declared a conflict and did not score: Andrew Booth, Kerryn Husk, Alicia O’Cathain, Catherine Pope, Andrea Williamson

Decision: Decline


NIHR135288 - Focus on improving chaplaincy effectiveness; written with equipoise; reference to underpinning theory & MDT perspective (Linda Ross, University of Wales)

Chair: None

Declared a conflict and did not score: None

Decision: Decline


NIHR134855 - Whole-system measurement and decision support for community mental health (Richard Byng, Devon Partnership NHS Trust)

Chair: None

Declared a conflict and did not score: Kam Bhui, Andrew Booth, Kath Checkland, Kerryn Husk, Alicia O’Cathain, Mark Pearson, Catherine Pope

Decision: Decline


21/16 Improving Support for Adults and/or Older Carers (Stage One)

NIHR135118 –  We are Family: A Realist Evaluation of how best to support family carers of people living with dementia attending Meeting Centres (Shirley Evans, University of Worcester)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: None

Decision: Shortlist


NIHR134925–  PRISM study – Optimising PRimary care Identification and Support for carers of people with severe Mental illness (Jacqueline Sin, University of London)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: Kam Bhui

Decision: Decline


NIHR135122 –  What support is most effective to enhance wellbeing for carers of people with progressive neurological conditions? (Florien Boele, University of Leeds)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: Sarah Alderson, Andrew Booth, Kerryn Husk, Silviya Nikolova, Mark Pearson

Decision: Decline


NIHR135080 –  Tired of spinning plates: an exploration of the mental health experiences of adults and/or older carers of adults with learning disabilities. (Katherine Runswick-Cole, The University of Sheffield)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: Andrew Booth, Alicia O’Cathain, Catherine Pope, 

Decision: Shortlist


NIHR135109 –  Theory-driven evaluation of the Carer Support Nurse to support adult carers, co-developed with informal carers and the health, social care, and voluntary sectors (Morag Farquhar, University of East Anglia)

Chair: Judith Smith

Declared a conflict and left the room: None

Decision: Decline


NIHR134557 - Local carer support services for older carers: mapping practice and evaluating outcomes (Kate Amelia Hamblin, The University of Sheffield)

Chair: None

Declared a conflict and did not score: Kath Checkland, Alicia O’Cathain, Judith Smith 

Decision: Decline


NIHR135126 - Preventing caring-related incidents in the home: the co-production of a sustainable intervention to support unpaid family carers (Michele Peters, University of Oxford)

Chair: None

Declared a conflict and did not score: Kerryn Husk, Silviya Nikolova, Catherine Pope, Judith Smith 

Decision: Decline


NIHR135089 - ‘I’m a young adult who’s caring – what about my future?’. Improving transitions to adulthood, comparing Bangladeshi NEET young people in unidentified caring roles with White British NEET young adult carers known to services in England: A mixed-methods study (Geraldine Boyle, The Open University)

Chair: None

Declared a conflict and did not score: None

Decision: Decline


NIHR135234 - A mixed-methods study to identify the ‘invisible’ caregivers of older adults with differing levels of frailty, their support needs and ways to address those needs (Anne Heaven, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

Chair: None

Declared a conflict and did not score: Sarah Alderson, Silviya Nikolova, Alicia O’Cathain

Decision: Decline


Day Two - Thursday 25th November

Venue: Microsoft Team Meeting


Present Members

  • Jo Rycroft-Malone (Programme Director - Chair of Day Two)
  • Judith Smith (Deputy Programme Director)
  • Kath Checkland (Deputy Chair)
  • Kham Bhui (Deputy Chair)
  • Sarah Alderson
  • Andrew Booth
  • Brendan Collins
  • Dawn Dowding 
  • Sandra Duggan (PPI)
  • Jane Hopkinson
  • Kerryn Husk
  • Sue Jordan
  • Silviya Nikolova
  • Alicia O’Cathain
  • Linda Parton
  • Mark Pearson
  • Catherine Pope
  • Victoria Tzortziou-Brown 
  • Louella Vaughan
  • Alan Watkins
  • Adele Webb (PPI)
  • Andrea Williamson


  • Stephanie Garfield-Birkbeck
  • Suzannah Hopper
  • Lisa Stockwell
  • Abigail Chalk
  • Tara Lamont


  • Alison Allam (PPI)
  • Katja Behrendt
  • Gerald Mckenna
  • Roshan das Nair
  • Charlotte Williams


  • Fardawza Ahmed, What Works for Children’s Social Care (WWCSC)
  • Margaret Cheng, Public committee member
  • Rashmi Kumar, Public committee member
  • Mike Molete, Public committee member
  • Kathy Rowan, New HSDR Programme Director
  • Alan Smith, Public committee member
  • Amber Steele, Research Advisor, NIHR Research Design Service, East of England

Quoracy Information

Voting members: 24 (Quoracy = 16 = 66%)
Voting members present on Day 2: 21 (88%)


21/04 Children and Young People's Mental Health (Stage Two)

NIHR133960 –   Improving the mental health of care experienced children through early access to multi-disciplinary assessment, consultation and support: a multi-site study in England and Wales (Katy Burch, Oxford Brookes University)

Chair: Jo Rycroft-Malone

Declared a conflict and left the room: None

Decision: Revise and resubmit to stage 2


NIHR134975 –   Stay Alive: A Realist Evaluation of The Use of Technology To Support Children And Young People With Suicidal Ideation (Lisa Edwards, University of Bradford)

Chair: Jo Rycroft-Malone

Declared a conflict and left the room: Sarah Alderson, Dawn Dowding, Silviya Nikolova

Decision: Decline


NIHR134922 –   What CAMHS interventions predict positive outcomes for which young people with a social worker: A mixed-methods study of clinical support and cost-effectiveness utilising linked operational data (Robbie Duschinsky, NHS Cambridgeshre and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group)

Chair: Jo Rycroft-Malone

Declared a conflict and left the room: Kerryn Husk, Judith Smith

Decision: Fund With Changes


NIHR135036 –   MAPS: Mental Health Admissions to Pediatric Wards Study (Lee Hudson, University College London)

Chair: Jo Rycroft-Malone

Declared a conflict and left the room: Kam Bhui, Brendan Collins, Judith Smith

Decision: Fund With Changes


21/522 Evaluating the impact of optimised alcohol care teams (Stage Two)

NIHR150449 – Programme of research for Alcohol Care Teams (ACTs): Implementation, Value and Effect - (ProACTIVE) (Julia Sinclair, University of Southampton)

Chair: Jo Rycroft-Malone

Declared a conflict and left the room: Sarah Alderson, Kam Bhui, Alicia O’Cathain, Mark Pearson, Andrew Booth, Silviya Nikalova

Decision: Decline


21/548 Resubmission/Deferred (Stage Two)

NIHR150711– Developing a role for patients and the public in the implementation of health and social care research evidence into practice. (Sophie Staniszewska, University of Warwick)

Chair: Kath Checkland

Declared a conflict and left the room: Kam Bhui, Alicia O’Cathain, Mark Pearson, Jo Rycroft-Malone, Judith Smith

Decision: Fund With Changes


NIHR150717 – Predictive RIsk Stratification Models: AssessmenT of Implementation Consequences (PRISMATIC 2) (Helen Snooks, Swansea University)

Chair: Jo Rycroft-Malone

Declared a conflict and left the room: Kerryn Husk, Alan Watkins, Rashmi Kumar (Observer), Silviya Nikolova, Sue Jordan

Decision: Fund With Changes


NIHR150718– The PiNCH study - To develop a Pain recognition and management INtervention and implementation strategy for Care Homes for older people (Marie Fallon, The University of Edinburgh)

Chair: Jo Rycroft-Malone

Declared a conflict and left the room: Jane Hopkinson, Mark Pearson

Decision: Decline


21/549 Fast Track Call November 2021 (Stage Two)

NIHR150719 - Improving Social Support and Recovery for Young People Affected by Long Covid: Qualitative Study (Tim Rhodes, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Chair: Jo Rycroft-Malone

Declared a conflict and left the room: Judith Smith, Kathy Rowan

Decision: Decline