Wednesday 19th January 2022
Virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams Meeting
Present Members
- Kathy Rowan (Programme Director)
- Judith Smith (Deputy Programme Director)
- Andrew Price
- Annette Boaz
- Carl Thompson
- Carol Rivas
- Dawn Craig
- Doreen Joseph (Public Committee Member)
- James Rimmer
- Jane Appleton
- Jill Maben
- Laura Bojke
- Linda Parton (Public Committee Member)
- Lorna Gibson
- Louise Wallace
- Mona Kanaan
- Parveen Ali
- Rachel Meacock
- Sarah Purdy
- Victoria Tatton
- Steph Garfield-Birkbeck
- Suzy Hopper
- Tara Lamont
- Donna White
- Lisa Stockwell
- Abi Chalk
- Debra Bick
- Stephen Bradley
- Rebecca Harris
- Fiona Verity
- Dawn Edge
- Grazia Antonacci, Research Associate, Imperial College London
- Sebastian Hinde, Research Fellow in the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York
- Jennifer Burton, Clinical Lecturer at Glasgow University and Honorary Specialist Registrar in Geriatric Medicine at Glasgow Royal Infirmary
- Alexis Foster, Research Fellow, University of Sheffield
- Joanne McPeake, Nurse Consultant in Clinical Research and Innovation in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Glasgow
- Ursula Wells, Department of Health and Social Care
- Petra Makela, Assistant Professor Health Services Research and Policy, LSHTM
Quoracy Information
Voting members: 23 (Quoracy = 67% = 16)
Voting members present on Day 1: 18 (78%)
Stage One Proposals
21/514 NIHR NICE Rolling call
NIHR150748 – Pragmatic Evaluation of Effectiveness and Acceptability of the Bristol Medication Review Toolkit (BRISMED) (Rupert Payne, University of Bristol)
Chair: Judith Smith
Declared a conflict and left the room: Sarah Purdy
Decision: Decline
NIHR150558 - The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a holistic needs assessment tool to guide early community-based review and follow up of people with non-malignant conditions, compared to usual care in reducing unmet supportive and palliative care need (Miriam Johnson, University of Hull)
Chair: None
Declared a conflict and did not score: Sarah Purdy, LauraBojke, Dawn Craig, Jill Maben, Mona Kanaan, Judith Smith, Rebecca Harris
Decisions: Decline
21/505 NIHR Dementia Call
NIHR150684 – The assessment, diagnosis, and disclosure of dementia during an acute hospital admission and the impacts on older people and their families: Understanding inequalities and improving expertise, experiences, and outcomes (Katie Featherstone, University of West London)
Chair: Judith Smith
Declared a conflict and left the room: Kathy Rowan
Decision: Decline
NIHR150756 – Improving triadic decision-making involving people with dementia (Traci Walker) (The University of Sheffield)
Chair: Judith Smith
Declared a conflict and left the room: Parveen Ali, Alexis Foster
Decision: Shortlist
Stage Two Proposals
20/115 Health and Social Care Workforce
NIHR133813 – The determinants of the utilisation of the support and assistant workforce in diagnostic imaging: a multi-methods investigation (Julie Nightingale, Sheffield Hallam University )
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: None
Decision: Fund
NIHR134942 - The impact of regulation and registration on the residential childcare workforce: comparing England and Wales. (Martin Elliott, Cardiff University)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Jill Maben
Decision: Fund with changes
NIHR135168 – A Study to Evaluate the Introduction of new Staffing Models in Intensive Care: a realist evaluation (SEISMIC-R) (Natalie Pattison, University of Hertfordshire)
Chair: Judith Smith
Declared a conflict and left the room: Jill Maben, Kathy Rowan, Carol Rivas, Joanne McPeake
Decision: Fund with changes
NIHR133949 – Spread and evaluation of a retention bundle for late-career nurses, midwives and AHPs in an Integrated Care System (Stephen Timmons, University of Nottingham)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Jill Maben
Decision: Decline
NIHR134991 – Care Under Pressure 4: Improving mental health in nurses, midwives, and paramedics: a realist evaluation to co-design resources for the NHS Health and Wellbeing Framework (Cath Taylor, University of Surrey)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Jill Maben, Alexis Foster
Decision: Decline
NIHR134305 - Planning for Frailty: Optimal Health and Social Care Workforce Organisation Using Demand-led Simulation Modelling (FLOWS) (Bronagh Walsh, University of Southampton)
Chair: Judith Smith
Declared a conflict and left the room: Jill Maben, Kathy Rowan – Collaboration
Decision: Fund with changes
21/10 Researcher-led
NIHR134999 – Engaging General Practice in a Net Zero NHS: a mixed methods realist evaluation of the Green Impact for Health Toolkit (The GPNET-0 study) (Joanna Fleming, University of Warwick)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Judith Smith
Decision: Decline
NIHR134522 - The CONNECT Study: Understanding the Impact of Remote Consultations in Sexual and Reproductive Health Services on Health Inequalities (Louise Jackson, University of Birmingham)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Judith Smith
Decision: Decline
NIHR135009 – Waiting times in Emergency Departments: inequalities and impact on health outcomes (Catia Nicodemo, University of Oxford)
Chair: Judith Smith
Declared a conflict and left the room: Jane Appleton, Rachel Meacock, Kathy Rowan
Decision: Decline
NIHR135128 - Supporting, enabling, and sustaining home care workers to deliver end-of-life care: a multiple-methods community-based case study (Miriam Johnson, University of Hull)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Jill Maben, Mona Kanaan, Sarah Purdy, Alexis Foster
Decision: Fund with changes
21/566 Straight to Stage Two Re-submission
NIHR150979 - Planning mode of birth in routine Antenatal care – development of a decision-aid (Plan-A) (Mairead Black, University of Aberdeen)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Judith Smith, Jane Appleton, Dawn Craig, Jill Maben
Decision: Fund with changes
21/80 Winter Personal Equipment
NIHR135521 - WIPPET: The impact of different grades of respiratory protective equipment on sickness absence due to respiratory infections including SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers (Colin Brown, UK Health Security Agency)
Chair: Kathy Rowan
Declared a conflict and left the room: Dawn Craig, Carl Thompson
Decision: Decline