HS&DR Funding Committee – Decisions from the 16th & 17th January 2019 meeting
Stage 2 Proposals
The following stage 2 proposals have been recommended for funding subject to certain conditions.
18/02 Standard Researcher-led proposals (two stage)
Project Reference |
Applicant |
Institution |
Project Title |
18/02/25 |
Richard Grieve |
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine |
Emergency Surgery Or noT (ESORT) |
18/02/27 |
Gill Combes |
University of Birmingham |
Supporting survivors of sexual violence: a mixed methods, co-research study of the role, funding and commissioning of specialist services provided by the voluntary sector in England |
NIHR127368 |
Gavin Perkins |
Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust |
Optimisation of the Deployment of Automatic External Defibrillators in Public Places in England |
18/74 HS&DR Researcher-led (Evidence Synthesis) (one stage, straight-to-stage two)
Project Reference |
Applicant |
Institution |
Project Title |
NIHR127709 |
Nicola Clibbens |
University of Leeds |
A realist synthesis to explain how, for whom and in what circumstances different community mental health crisis services work |
NIHR127879 |
Andrew Smith |
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust |
Fit for surgery' or 'fit for life'? Exploring the potential of using the perioperative encounter to promote regular exercise and physical activity: an expanded evidence synthesis |
NIHR127926 |
Carl Thompson |
University of Leeds |
Effects of computerised clinical decision support systems (CDSS) on nursing and Allied Health Professional performance and patient outcomes: A systematic review and user contextualisation |
NIHR128068 |
Susan Ayers |
City, University of London |
Perinatal Mental Health Assessment and Treatment: An Evidence Synthesis and Conceptual Framework of Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation |
17/112 Mental Health Themed Call
Project Reference |
Applicant |
Institution |
Project Title |
17/112/16 |
Paul Wilkinson |
Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust |
Scientific Title: Interpersonal Counselling for Adolescent Depression delivered by Youth Mental Health Workers without Core Professional Training: A Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial Public Title: ICALM (Interpersonal Counselling for Adolescent Low Mood) Commissioned call: 18/10 Research on interventions to improve the patient and family experience of complaints management and the decision to litigate against the NHS |
18/10/02 |
Jane O’Hara |
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust |
Patient and family involvement in serious incident investigations: Co-designing national and local guiding processes |
NIHR127367 |
Catrin Rhys |
University of Ulster |
Enhancing the patient complaints journey: harnessing the power of language to transform the experience of complaining |
Commissioned call: 18/11 Improving the participation and conduct of health services research in nursing and care homes at scale
Project Reference |
Applicant |
Institution |
Project Title |
NIHR127234 |
Claire Goodman |
University of Hertfordshire |
Developing research resources And minimum data set for Care Homes' Adoption and use (the DACHA study) |
Commissioned call: 18/12 Predicting failure of quality of care in NHS healthcare service provider organisations, and evidence for the interventions that lead to sustained improvement
Project Reference |
Applicant |
Institution |
Project Title |
NIHR127430 |
Ross Millar |
University of Birmingham |
Towards a framework for partnering as an intervention for improvement: lessons for NHS providers from a realist synthesis of theoretical, empirical, and stakeholder evidence |
Further information on the above projects will be provided on the NIHR Journals Library website once the project has started.