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Become a public committee member video transcript


Published: 13 March 2024

Version: 1

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Here is the accessible transcript for our video on becoming a public committee member.

Who is National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)?

NIHR funds health and social care research, from the early days of a researcher’s career to the most advanced level of research.

We work with different people and communities to provide them with the opportunity to participate and help influence research.

Hearing from people with different personal experiences brings a range of important perspectives.

It boosts the quality and impact of our research, improving the outcomes and ensuring it’s relevant to the people it will affect the most.

Become a committee member

NIHR committees help decide which research is most needed and which projects to fund. They help ensure the research is of high quality, robust, represents good value for money and aims to meet the needs of our diverse society.

We need public representatives on our committees to bring the perspective of patients, service users, carers and anyone affected by the research topics.

You do not need to have a scientific background to become a committee member.

We need and value the perspectives of people from all different backgrounds and communities to help shape and improve the research we fund.

We offer a range of training and support to ensure each member of the committee feels fully involved.

What’s in it for you?

Being a member of an NIHR committee gives you the opportunity to help influence the research we fund.

It’s an opportunity to grow and share your knowledge on health and social care research and develop skills in public speaking and make a difference in your community.

There are also networking opportunities for you to build relationships with a wide range of key contacts such as: NHS clinicians and practitioners, academics, local government decision makers and other public representatives.

What you will be doing

Committee meetings can take place virtually or face to face up to 4 times a year.

We will send you research proposals and ask you to review and comment on the importance and relevance of the research. We will ask for your suggestions for any improvements that the researcher could make.

You will take part in discussions, and help the committee decide which ones should be funded or prioritised.