Dr Rachel Wachsmuth
Email: Rachel.Wachsmuth@tst.nhs.uk
Dermatology Specialty Lead, South West Peninsula
Email: Rachel.Wachsmuth@tst.nhs.uk
Dermatology Specialty Lead, South West Peninsula
Email: waquas.waheed@manchester.ac.uk
Mental Health Specialty Lead, North West Coast
Email: shyamal.wahie@cddft.nhs.uk
Dermatology Specialty Lead, North East and North Cumbria
Email: andrew.walden@nhs.net, apwalden@hotmail.com
Critical Care Specialty Lead, Thames Valley and South Midlands
Email: alison.walker@hdft.nhs.uk
Injuries and Emergencies Specialty Lead, Yorkshire and Humber
Email: richard.walker@northumbria-healthcare.nhs.uk
Neurodegeneration LCRN Specialty Lead, North East & Cumbria
Email: Derek.ward@nhs.net
Public Health and Prevention Specialty Lead, East Midlands
Email: richard.warren@manchester.ac.uk
Dermatology Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: alastair.webb@ndcn.ox.ac.uk
Stroke Specialty Lead, Thames Valley & South Midlands
Email: astrid.weber@lwh.nhs.uk
Genomics and Rare Diseases LCRN Specialty Lead, North West Coast
Email: martin.weickert@uhcw.nhs.uk
Metabolic and Endocrine Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: sally.welham@brit-thoracic.org.uk
Respiratory Disorders Co-opted member - British Thoracic Society
Email: I.Welters@liverpool.ac.uk
Critical Care Specialty Lead, North West Coast
Email: d.werring@ucl.ac.uk
Stroke Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: jane.west@bthft.nhs.uk
Telephone: 020 7848 8370/8371
NIHR Clinical Research Network National Specialty Lead for Public Health.
Email: simon.wetherell@gp-p81013.nhs.uk
Primary Care Specialty Lead, North West Coast
Email: duncanwheatley@nhs.net
Cancer Specialty Lead, South West Peninsula
Email: d.wheeler@ucl.ac.uk
Kidney Specialty Lead, National
Email: Michael.Whitehouse@bristol.ac.uk
Injuries and Emergencies Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: tony.whitehouse@uhb.nhs.uk
Critical Care Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: e.whittaker@imperial.ac.uk
Children and Young People Specialty Lead, North West London
Email: melissa.whitworth@mft.nhs.uk
Reproductive Health Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: alan.whone@bristol.ac.uk
Neurodegeneration LCRN Specialty Lead, CRN West of England
Email: J.P.H.Wilding@liverpool.ac.uk
Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders National Specialty Lead
Email: richardwilkin@doctors.org.uk
Surgery (Co-opted member) Trainee
Email: aw7@leicester.ac.uk
Health Services Research Specialty Lead, East Midlands
Email: Sarah.Wilson@fhft.nhs.uk
Injuries and Emergencies Specialty Lead, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Email: P.M.Wilson@kent.ac.uk
Health Services Research Specialty Lead, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Email: kirsty.winkley@kcl.ac.uk
Diabetes Specialty Lead, South London
Email: stuart.Winter@ouh.nhs.uk
Ear, Nose and Throat Specialty Lead, Thames Valley and South Midlands
Email: miles.witham@ncl.ac.uk
Ageing LCRN Specialty Lead, North East and North Cumbria
Email: darryl.wood@bhrhospitals.nhs.uk
Injuries and Emergencies Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: anthony.woolf@nhs.net
Public Health and Prevention Specialty Lead, South West Peninsula
Email: ellen.wright@kcl.ac.uk
Primary Care Specialty Lead, South London
Email: david.wright@lhch.nhs.uk
Cardiovascular Disease Specialty Lead, North West Coast
Email: natwright@nhs.net
Primary Care Specialty Lead, Yorkshire and Humber