Dr Abby Macbeth
Email: abby.macbeth@nnuh.nhs.uk
Dermatology Specialty Lead, Eastern
Email: abby.macbeth@nnuh.nhs.uk
Dermatology Specialty Lead, Eastern
Email: alexander.mackay@ucl.ac.uk
Respiratory Disorders, Co-opted member - Early Career Researchers
Email: kirsten.mackay@nhs.net
Musculoskeletal Disorders Specialty Lead, South West Peninsula
Email: i.maconochie@imperial.ac.uk
Injuries and Emergencies Specialty Lead, North West London
Email: melissamaguire@nhs.net
Neurological Disorders LCRN Specialty Lead, Yorkshire & Humber
Email: erm1000@medschl.cam.ac.uk
Contact details for Genomics and Rare Diseases - Specialty National Lead
Email: arshad.majid@sheffield.ac.uk
Stroke Specialty Lead, Yorkshire & Humber
Email: kishore.makam@geh.nhs.uk
Surgery Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: lavinia.margarit@wales.nhs.uk
Reproductive Health
Email: hsm32@medschl.cam.ac.uk
Stroke Specialty Lead, Eastern
Email: z.marshman@sheffield.ac.uk
Oral and Dental Health Specialty Lead, Yorkshire and Humber
Email: A.G.Marson@liverpool.ac.uk
Health Services Research
Email: Agustin.Martin-Clavijo@uhb.nhs.uk
Dermatology Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: S.Marwaha@bham.ac.uk
Mental Health Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: c.z.marwick@dundee.ac.uk
Infection Specialty Lead, Scotland
Email: nickmaskell@doctors.org.uk
Respiratory Disorders Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: aftab.ala@fph-tr.nhs.uk
Liver Specialty Lead, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Email: mehulmathukia@nhs.net
Primary Care Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: anthony.mathur@bartshealth.nhs.uk
Cardiovascular Disease Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: helen.may@nnuh.nhs.uk
Ageing LCRN Specialty Co-Lead, Eastern
Email: andrew.mcandrew@royalberkshire.nhs.uk
Musculoskeletal Disorders and Trauma and Emergency Care Specialty Lead, Thames Valley and South Midlands
Email: kieran.mccafferty@qmul.ac.uk
Kidney Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: gpm12@le.ac.uk
Cardiovascular Disease Specialty Lead, East Midlands
Email: anthony.mccarthy@belfasttrusthscni.net
Children and Young People Specialty Lead, Northern Ireland
Email: kathryn.mcCarthy@nbt.nhs.uk
Surgery Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: e.v.mccloskey@sheffield.ac.uk
Musculoskeletal Specialty Lead, Yorkshire and Humber
Email: sheila.mccorkindale@nhs.net
Primary Care Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: Roger.McCorry@belfasttrust.hscni.net
Liver Specialty Lead, Northern Ireland
Email: brady.mcfarlane@southernhealth.nhs.uk
CRN Wessex, LCRN Specialty Lead: DeNDRoN - Dementia
Email: martin.mckibbin@leedsth.nhs.uk
Ophthalmology Specialty Lead, Yorkshire and Humber
Email: r.mcgovern@newcastle.ac.uk
Public Health and Prevention Specialty Lead, North East and North Cumbria
Email: barbara.mcgowan@gstt.nhs.uk
Metabolic and Endocrine Specialty Lead, South London
Email: John.Mclaughlin@manchester.ac.uk
Liver Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: gfm26@medschl.cam.ac.uk
Liver Specialty Lead, LiverEastern
Email: a.memon@bsms.ac.uk
Public Health and Prevention Specialty Lead, Kent Surrey Sussex
Email: geeta.menon@fph-tr.nhs.uk
Ophthalmology Specialty Lead, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Email: crnmentalhealth@nihr.ac.uk
Contact details for Mental Health general specialty enquiries
Email: crnmetabolicendocrine@nihr.ac.uk
Contact details for Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders - general specialty enquiries
Email: james.miller@nuth.nhs.uk
Neurological Disorders LCRN Specialty Lead, North East & Cumbria
Email: G.H.Mills@sheffield.ac.uk
Anaesthesia Specialty Lead, Yorkshire and Humber
Email: mishelp@soton.ac.uk
Please contact mishelp@soton.ac.uk for any issues you may be experiencing with the MIS system, such as being locked out of your account.
Email: sandip.mitra@mft.nhs.uk
Kidney Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: sophie.molloy@nhs.net
Neurological Disorders LCRN Specialty Lead, North West London
Email: Andrew.Molodynski@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk
Mental Health Specialty Lead, Thames Valley and South Midlands
Email: rmoonesinghe@googlemail.com
North Thames
Email: Dr.More@bfwhospitals.nhs.uk
Cardiovascular Disease Specialty Lead, North West Coast
Email: r.k.morris@bham.ac.uk
Reproductive Health Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: dion.morton@uhb.nhs.uk
Surgery Specialty Lead, RCS
Email: Peter.Muir@phe.gov.uk
Infection Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: a.mumford@bristol.ac.uk
Haematology Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: david.mummery@nhs.net
Primary Care Specialty Lead, North West London
Email: j.munjiza10@imperial.ac.uk
Mental Health Specialty Lead, North West London
Email: l.murdin@ucl.ac.uk
Ear, Nose and Throat Specialty Lead, South London
Email: Patrick.Murphy@gstt.nhs.uk
Respiratory Disorders Specialty Lead, South London
Email: clare.murray@manchester.ac.uk
Children and Young People Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: crnmusculoskeletal@nihr.ac.uk
Contact details for Musculoskeletal Disorders general enquiries