Dr Caoimhe Fahy
Email: cfahy1@nhs.net
Dermatology Speciality Lead, West of England
Email: cfahy1@nhs.net
Dermatology Speciality Lead, West of England
Email: s.farooq@keele.ac.uk
Mental Health Specialty Lead, West Midlands
Email: gemma.faulkner@boltonft.nhs.uk
Surgery Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: s.fedele@ucl.ac.uk
Oral and Dental Health, Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: academy-awards@nihr.ac.uk
Telephone: 0113 532 8410
Supporting individuals on their trajectory to becoming future leaders in NIHR research.
Email: tim.felton@manchester.ac.uk
Critical Care Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: Phillip.Ferdinand@uhnm.nhs.uk
Stroke Specialty Lead, West Midlands (Deputy)
Email: Emilio.Fernandez@cpft.nhs.uk
Mental Health Specialty Lead, Eastern
Email: benjamin.field@nhs.net
Metabolic and Endocrine Specialty Lead, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Email: a.fielding@ucl.ac.uk
Cancer Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: adam.finn@bristol.ac.uk
Children and Young People Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: paulfleming1@nhs.net
Children and Young People Specialty Lead, North Thames
Email: simon.fletcher@nnuh.nhs.uk
Critical Care Specialty Lead, Eastern
Email: sophie.fletcher@uhs.nhs.uk
Respiratory Disorders Specialty Lead, Wessex
Email: carsten.flohr@kcl.ac.uk
Dermatology Specialty Lead, South London
Email: Jonathan.Folb@rlbuht.nhs.uk
Infection Specialty Lead, North West Coast
Email: p.foley1@nhs.net
Cardiovascular Disease Specialty Lead, West of England
Email: Julie.fox@gstt.nhs.uk
Infection Specialty Lead, South London
Email: nader.francis@ydh.nhs.uk
Surgery Specialty Lead, South West Peninsula
Email: Freedman@cardiff.ac.uk
Infection Specialty Lead, Wales
Email: paul.french@gmmh.nhs.uk
Mental Health Specialty Lead, Greater Manchester
Email: Simon.Funnell@phe.gov.uk
Infection Specialty Lead, Public Health England